

Wednesday, March 5th at 12noon & 7pm

All are welcome on Wednesday, March 5th for Ash Wednesday services as we start our Lenten journey together. There will be services at 12noon, in the chapel, and 7pm in the sanctuary. Both services will include Imposition of Ashes and Holy Communion. The 7pm service will be livestreamed on Trinity’s Youtube Channel.  All are welcome for this time of community and reflection as we enter Lent.


Schedule for March 12,19, & 26 April 2 & 9

5:00pm           Youth Choir Rehearsal-Chapel
5:30pm           Handbell Choir Rehearsal-Sanctuary
5:45pm           Lenten Soup Supper-Fellowship Hall
6:15pm           Adult Choir Rehearsal-Sanctuary
7:30pm        Midweek Lenten Worship-Chapel & Online on Youtube

Lenten Soup Suppers

Wednesdays from 5:45-6:45pm
Starts Wednesday, March 12th

Lenten Soup Suppers are back!  Join us on Wednesdays in Lent, either before or after Wednesday Night activities for a time of soup, bread, and fellowship.  Sign up to help with set up, clean up, or to provide food.  All are Welcome! Sign up Here!

Midweek Lenten Worship: Holden Evening Prayer

Wednesdays in Lent at 7:30pm
Starts Wednesday, March 12th

All are welcome midweek during Lent to pause in contemplation and worship.  Like Advent, we’ll gather in the Chapel at 7:30pm on Wednesday nights for a 20-30 minutes service using the Holden Evening Prayer.  The services will again be livestreamed on Trinity’s YouTube Channel.  Plan these dates into your Lenten journey!