Music Programs


Music Programs

Trinity makes a joyful noise with our diverse musical offerings. Blessed with skilled directors leading talented musicians and singers (nearly all volunteers), music enhances our worship experience each and every service.

Trinity Choir

The Trinity Choir generally sings every Sunday, late August through Pentecost. Directed by Michael Bizzaro, the Trinity Choir sings a variety of 3-part and 4-part music either acapella, using piano & organ, and/or with other guest instrumentation.

Anyone middle school age and older is welcome. No experience is necessary. Rehearsals are on Wednesday night from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. during the school year.

Handbell Choir

Trinity has a Handbell Choir for anyone who is interested in ringing bells (no experience necessary!). Rehearsals are on Wednesdays during the school year from 5:30 – 6:15p.m.  The Handbell Choir is open to anyone, beginners and experienced ringers alike, middle school and above. You just have to be able to count! Directed by Michael Bizzaro.

Youth Choir

Trinity’s Youth Choir is for children in 1st-5th grades. They learn about liturgy and worship while having fun singing. This group learns to lead worship and sings about once a month during the Sunday morning worship services. In addition to learning to sing, they explore instruments including hand percussion, handchimes, handbells, learn about the liturgical calendar, and how to be a congregational singer.

Rehearsals are on Wednesday nights from 5:00- 5:45 p.m. during the school year. Directed by Jeanine Marsh.

Watch the Trinity Lutheran Church Youth Choir sing Light One Candle!

Share your time and talent with us! Contact Marilyn Van Roekel or the church office for more info. No matter your vocal range or previous experience, we need your talents at Trinity!