Sunday Services

Join us for online worship HERE!

We’re open for in-person worship and are continuing to offer worship online as well through our youtube channel!  

In-person, you are welcome to wear a mask as you wish.  If you are sick, please stay home and worship with us online.  Thank you!

You can also watch previously recorded live stream worship videos on our Youtube Channel.

Sunday Mornings

9:30 A.M.

We are worshipping in person at 9:30am every Sunday. Trinity’s buildings are mask optional as everyone feels comfortable. Services are typically 55-65 minutes. We enjoy a casual dress code.  All are Welcome!

9:30 A.M.

Sundays at 9:30am you are invited to join with us in worship by watching the service streamed live from the Trinity Sanctuary through youtube. Click the button below on Sunday Mornings at 9:30am to join in!


Available in city garage accessed by the alley, the parking ramp leading into the garage off the alley, or in designated Church spots in the upper garage off Mapleton Avenue.

Trinity is a liturgical church

Trinity is a liturgical church, and we follow the liturgical calendar throughout the year. This means we celebrate the seasons of Pentecost, Lent, and Advent, in addition to the festival days of Reformation, Holy Trinity, etc. This adherence to the liturgical calendar is evidenced in our worship theme and colors for the day. Click Here for Weekly Scripture Readings.

Currently, we are offering worship both in-person and online at 9:30am, live-streamed through Youtube. Click here to learn more.


Holy Pandemonium/Passing of the Peace

Yes, we like each other that much!