What's New at Trinity

Prayer for Peace in the Holy Land

3rd Thursday of month at 3:30pm

As we watch with horror the continued war developing in the Holy Land, we are reminded that we can pray.  Pastor Pam is hosting a monthly Prayer for Peace in the Holy Land service in Trinity’s Chapel on the 3rd Thursday of every month at 3:30 pm.

Adult Education:
“Building an Inclusive Church”

Sundays September 8-October 20 at 11:00am
This fall, Adult Education will be talking about taking the necessary steps in becoming an official Reconciling in Christ (RIC) congregation here at Trinity. We will be using materials from Reconciling Works, the nonprofit organization that helps ELCA congregations build an inclusive church. Please contact the church office for more information or if you are interested in joining this group.

Mark your calendars: Fall CU Parking Dates

Trinity will once again be parking cars for CU Home Football Games this fall.  Like other years, we need a large crew (20+) to make it work.  So, if you can, please get these dates on your calendar now and sign up to help!  Reminder, this helps fund our youth program at Trinity, and we make $15,000-$25,000 a year!  Thanks!
Saturday, September 21st
time 3:00-6:30 vs Baylor
Saturday, October 12th
time TBA vs Kansas State
Saturday, October 26th
time TBA vs Cincinnati
Saturday, November 16th
time TBA vs Utah
Friday, November 29th 
7am-10:30am vs Oklahoma State

Trinity Book Club

Tuesday, Sept 24th at 7:15pm on Zoom

Trinity’s Book Club is back in action!  The first book for September is “Uncomfortable Conversations with a Jew” by Emmanuel Acho and Noa Tishby.  We will be reading together and sharing our insights on Tuesday, September 24th at 7:15pm on Zoom. Please contact the office for more information and/or the Zoom link.

Monthly Bereavement Support Group

 Sunday, October 6th at 11:00am
To live life means to be touched by the grief of loss in one form or another. The death of a loved one or close friend, the loss of a job, divorce, health problems, financial difficulties and the like affect us all at some time. Thankfully, our God promises to walk with us through each of life’s trials. And, as our Lord Jesus commands us to love one another, we are given strength to comfort each other in life’s darkest hours. If the grief of loss has touched your life and you wish to be a part of our monthly Bereavement Support Group, join us after worship on the first Sunday of each month. Please contact the church office if you are interested in joining this group.

Important Fall Dates at Trinity

Oct 5th-Synod Bishop Meghan Johnston Aelabouni Installed at 5pm
Oct 6th- Blessing of Pets Worship & Bereavement Support Group Meeting
Oct 12th-CU Football Game Parking
Oct 19th-Veterans Build Day in Longmont
Oct 20th-Halloween Carnival & Trunk or Treat
Oct 26th-CU Football Game Parking
Oct 27th-Confirmation Sunday & Annual Meeting with Oktoberfest

Nov 3rd-Jazz All Saints Worship at Trinity & Trinity Progressive Dinner
Nov 17th-Advent Fest during 3rd Sunday LIFT
Nov 22nd26 Casas Mission Trip to Juarez

Women’s Fellowship & Friendship Gatherings

1st Saturday of month at 9am

Trinity Women, you are invited to In-person gatherings on the first Saturday of every month.  The group is all about fellowship and friendship, and is a chance to spend time, in-person, with other women.  These newly-formed groups are open to anyone identifying as female.