What's New at Trinity

Prayer for Peace in the Holy Land

3rd Thursday of month at 3:30pm

As we watch with horror the continued war developing in the Holy Land, we are reminded that we can pray.  Pastor Pam is hosting a monthly Prayer for Peace in the Holy Land service in Trinity’s Chapel on the 3rd Thursday of every month at 3:30 pm.

Sunday Adult Education: Soul Keeping

Begins  Sunday, January 19th at 11am

Join Julie Horan as Sunday Morning Adult Education discusses the book Soul Keeping by John Ortburg.  Book and Study Guides have been purchased by Trinity and will be available to anyone in the class. If you are able to help cover the cost of the books, they are $23 for the bundle.  Any questions, contact the church office.

Middle and High School Movie and Pajama Night

Friday, January 24th 6-9pm
All middle and high schoolers are invited to a movie and pajama night in the Trinity Fellowship Hall. Pizza and snacks will be provided. Please let the church office know if you are interested.

Annual Congregational Meeting

 Sunday, January 26th at 10:45am

Plan to stay after worship for Trinity’s Annual Congregational Meeting!  We’ll hear about 2024 Year End Finances and release the 2024 Annual Report. The meeting will be livestreamed on Trinity’s Youtube Channel. Plan to be there to have your voice heard or watch the meeting online!

Women’s Friendship & Fellowship

Saturday, February 1st at 9:00am

Women of Trinity, mark your calendars for our next event.  We’ll meet in the fellowship hall at 9:00am for coffee and fellowship on Saturday, February 1st.  After a very busy holiday season, it will be nice to come together to catch up.  Plan to be there!

Family Ice Skating

Sunday, February 2nd at 1:30pm

Join us for this family-fun event! We will be skating at Roosevelt Park in Longmont. Skate rentals are available at the rink, so do not worry if you don’t have your own. Please contact the church office with any questions. We hope to see you there!

Save the Date: Wine Tasting at Trinity

Friday, February 7th at 5:30pm

After the success of the Trinity Progressive Dinner, Trinity is hosting another event!  This time, bring a heavy finger food and your favorite wine to Trinity for a wine tasting event.  We’ll sample each other’s favorites and just enjoy time in fellowship and fun at Trinity.  No agenda, just fellowship.  Mark your calendars and plan to be there!  Not into wine?  Come anyway just for the fellowship and time together!

Medical Equipment Needed for Trinity’s Lending Closet

Trinity’s Medical Supply Closet is running low.  So if you have medical hardware such as walkers, crutches, shower chairs, raised toilet seats or canes collecting dust in your basement or closet, bring them to Trinity so we can get them out into use in our community.  Not sure if we take it, ask the church office.  Thanks!